Momentum Mind
A 45 day program for high-performing teams who want to excel beyond their competition in the digital-first business environment.
Built on the proven neuroscience of peak performance, we develop the skills in your people to make them more focused, structured and impactful.
The erosion of attention
Over the past two decades, our attention spans have dropped by 70%.
Constantly moving between apps, websites, and devices has made it difficult to maintain our focus.

This fractures our attention.
Aware of everything but focused on nothing.
Work Life Balance
Because of the distractions you have to work longer just to keep up.
With less time for your self and your family.
Often leading to exhaustion, and potentially burnout.

Work doesn’t have to be like this,
We can reclaim our attention,
To be much more productive at work,
And reclaim the personal time you have lost.
To be the best in this digital age, learn to manage yourself.
For your team to be the best, give them the tools to manage themselves.
Those who can focus whilst others are distracted, will move twice as fast.
Momentum Mind
Benefits for Your Team
- Improved sleep quality
- Increased energy and motivation
- Reduced distractions and time-wasting
- Structure their workday for efficient and effective output
- Improved stress-response and resilience
45 days
90 Minutes
Program Schedule
Opening Call
Growing Your Life Force
Accountability Call
Clarity of Mind
Accountability Call
Building Momentum
Accountability Call
This workshop prompted discussion we might not of had, digging deeper and allowed me to get to know my teammates and start to develop better trust.
Patrick presented at our Summer Sales conference in Nashville. For some of us it was a long night the night before. We had Patrick first thing , the energy he brought into the room was infectious.
Like any leader, everyone in business is going through tough times. I (and the team) were working incredibly long hours and I knew we needed to take better care of ourselves. When I saw Patrick's presentation I said that's it right there. This is what the team needs. I would highly recommend it.
There is that quote from Socrates that says 'To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom' and that is the encapsulation of what this program is all about.
I appreciate the scientific background of why I have to do these things, to be a better version of myself, as a leader, as a mother, as a wife. All the things that matter to me.
I've been in the financial services field all my life. I had been exploring the thought of branching out on my own. This workshop gives you a different perspective - why wait. So I will be launching it next month.
Taking you from an unconscious state of mind to a conscious state of mind that gives you the clarity to know what's important in feeding your soul.
Sign up today
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